These studies have potential clinical relevance to the tissue specificity of drug-induced gingivalovergrowth.
The HPV infection in oral cyclosporin-induced gingivalovergrowth in renal transplant recipients has not been investigated previously.
Drug-induced gingivalovergrowth is tissue specific.
Seventeen patients with cyclosporin-induced gingivalovergrowth and seventeen age- and sex-matched controls who were taking cyclosporin but had healthy gingiva were used for this study.
Methods: We examined 13 renal transplant recipient biopsies with gingivalovergrowth lesions and 4 healthy mucosa samples of these patients.
The patient was referred because of a nodular asymptomatic gingivalhypertrophy with ulceration around the eruption site of tooth 36, without any detectable tooth mobility.
Uso de gingival enlargement en inglés
Gingivalenlargements are frequently encountered in dental practice.
The exact diagnosis of the enlargement is important as some gingivalenlargements can cause extensive morbidity or even mortality.
There are different types of gingivalenlargements and they vary according to the etiologic factors and pathologic processes that produce them.